星期三, 19 2 月, 2025
Home網站公告My-blog 被英國聖劍文創股份有限公司收購的公告

My-blog 被英國聖劍文創股份有限公司收購的公告

我們很榮幸宣布,My-blog.io 網站現已由英國的聖劍文創股份有限公司(Excalibur Creative Limited)正式收購。

由於原站長因個人因素無法繼續經營此網站,我們認為這個簡潔易記且具有潛力的網域是一個非常有價值的資產。因此,我們決定將其納入我們的業務版圖,並將 My-blog.io 作為我們未來推動創業、金流管理、以及相關顧問服務的平台。

網站的所有內容,包括原本的 LOGO、圖片及文章,現已全部易主,所有的版權歸屬英國聖劍文創股份有限公司所有。任何轉載內容,敬請註明出處。



We are pleased to announce that My-blog.io has officially been acquired by Excalibur Creative Limited, a UK-based company.

Due to personal reasons, the original site owner was unable to continue managing the website. Recognizing the value of this memorable and user-friendly domain, we have decided to incorporate it into our portfolio. Going forward, My-blog.io will serve as a platform to promote entrepreneurship, financial management, and offer consulting services.

All the website’s original content, including its logo, images, and articles, has now changed ownership, with all copyrights being transferred to Excalibur Creative Limited. For any reposting, please credit the source accordingly.

Excalibur Creative Limited operates not only in the UK but also has subsidiaries in Taiwan and the USA. Through this platform, we aim to offer expert advice and consulting services for individuals interested in entrepreneurship, international payment systems, and e-commerce in Taiwan. Fees will be quoted based on the complexity of the inquiries, with initial invoices issued in USD from our US company.

Furthermore, our services cater to the global Chinese community, not limited to Taiwan alone. For clients requiring local Taiwan invoices, please note that this will be available once our group has completed integration with Taiwan’s ECPay system.

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